What Is BIN File, and How Are They Used?

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microcircuit with chip close up
microcircuit with chip close up

How Many Kinds of Format Files Can Be Extracted From IC Unlock?

When performing IC unlock, several types of file formats can be extracted from the integrated circuit (IC) depending on the specific contents and purpose of the unlock. Here are some standard file formats that may be extracted during IC unlock:

1. BIN (Binary) Files:

BIN files are a standard output of IC unlock processes, especially when extracting firmware or program code stored within the IC’s memory. These files contain binary data represented in machine-readable format.

2. HEX (Hexadecimal) Files:

HEX files may also be extracted during IC unlock, particularly in cases where firmware or configuration data is stored in the IC’s memory. HEX files represent data using hexadecimal notation and are often used for programming microcontrollers and other embedded systems.

3. ASCII (Text) Files:

In some cases, IC unlock processes may yield ASCII files containing plaintext data, such as configuration settings, log files, or other human-readable information stored within the IC.

4. Intel Hex Format (IHX):

This is a popular file format used for representing HEX files in a standardized format, commonly used for programming microcontrollers and EEPROMs. Intel HEX files contain data records that specify memory addresses and corresponding data bytes.

5. Binary Image Files:

These files contain a direct binary dump of the IC’s memory contents, often used for creating backups or reproducing the IC’s state. Binary image files are typically in a raw binary format without any additional metadata.

6. Executable Files:

In cases where the IC contains executable code, such as microcontrollers or application-specific processors, executable files may be extracted during IC unlock. These files contain machine code instructions that the IC’s hardware can execute.

7. Intel HEX Record Files:

Similar to Intel HEX format, these files contain records specifying memory addresses and data bytes in a hexadecimal format. They are commonly used for programming flash memory devices, such as EEPROMs and flash microcontrollers.

8. Firmware Files:

Depending on the nature of the IC and its intended application, firmware files may be extracted during IC unlock. These files contain the low-level software that controls the operation of the IC, including initialization routines, device drivers, and application code.

These are some of the standard file formats that can be extracted during IC unlock processes. The specific format obtained depends on factors such as the type of IC, its architecture, the purpose of the unlock, and the techniques used during the unlocking process.

What is The BIN File?

BIN File

A BIN file, short for “binary file,” is a type of file format that stores data in binary form. This means that the data is represented using a series of 0s and 1s, which correspond to the on-off states of electronic signals in a computer or electronic device. BIN files can contain various types of data, including:


BIN files are commonly used to store firmware, which is the low-level software that controls the operation of hardware devices such as microcontrollers, BIOS chips, or programmable logic devices (PLDs). Firmware BIN files contain machine code instructions that are executed by the device’s hardware.

Executable Code:

BIN files can also contain executable code for computer programs or applications. In this context, the BIN file typically represents a compiled binary version of the program, which the computer’s processor can directly execute.

Raw Data:

Additionally, BIN files can store raw data in binary format, such as image data, audio samples, or other types of binary data.

What is The HEX File?

HEX File

A HEX file, short for “hexadecimal file,” is another type of file format commonly used in electronics and computer programming. Unlike BIN files, which store data in binary form, HEX files represent data using hexadecimal notation. In hexadecimal notation, each digit can represent 16 different values (0-9 and A-F), allowing for a more compact representation of binary data. HEX files are commonly used in the following contexts:

Firmware Programming:

HEX files are often used to store firmware that is programmed onto microcontrollers, EEPROMs (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory), or other programmable devices. The HEX file contains the firmware data encoded as hexadecimal values, which can be directly written to the device’s memory.

Configuration Data:

HEX files can also be used to store configuration data or settings for electronic devices. This data is typically encoded as hexadecimal values and can be loaded into the device’s memory to configure its operation.

Memory Dump:

In some cases, a HEX file may represent a memory dump of a specific region of memory in a computer or electronic device. This dump contains the contents of the memory in hexadecimal format, allowing for analysis or debugging of the device’s internal state.

In summary, BIN files store data in binary form, while HEX files represent data using hexadecimal notation. Both file formats are commonly used in electronics and computer programming for storing firmware, executable code, or raw data. They play a crucial role in the development, programming, and operation of electronic devices and computer systems.

How to Open And Edit BIN Files?

How to open or view .BIN file in any Windows computer ?
How to open or view .BIN file in any Windows computer?

Opening and editing BIN (binary) files can be done using various methods and software tools depending on the specific contents and purpose of the file. Here’s a general guide on how to open and edit BIN files:

Opening BIN Files

Using a Text Editor:

  • Open your preferred text editor software.
  • Navigate to the “File” menu and select “Open.”
  • Locate the BIN file on your computer using the file browser window.
  • Click on the BIN file to select it, then click “Open.”
  • If the BIN file contains readable text, it will be displayed in the text editor window.

Using a Hex Editor:

  • Download and install a hex editor software such as HxD (Windows), Hex Fiend (Mac), or Bless (Linux).
  • Open the hex editor program from your desktop or Start menu.
  • Navigate to the “File” menu and choose “Open.”
  • Locate the BIN file on your computer using the file browser.
  • Select the BIN file and click “Open.”
  • The hex editor will display the binary contents of the BIN file in hexadecimal format.

Editing BIN Files

Using a Hex Editor:

  • In the hex editor, locate the section of the file you want to edit.
  • Use the cursor keys to navigate to the specific byte or bytes you wish to modify.
  • Enter the new hexadecimal values for the bytes you want to change.
  • Save the changes by navigating to the “File” menu and selecting “Save” or pressing the appropriate keyboard shortcut.

Using Text Editors (if applicable):

  • If the BIN file contains readable text, open it in a text editor as described above.
  • Make the desired changes to the text.
  • Save the changes by navigating to the “File” menu and selecting “Save” or pressing the appropriate keyboard shortcut.


  • Always be cautious when editing BIN files, especially if they are associated with critical system software or firmware.
  • Making incorrect modifications to firmware files can render hardware devices inoperable or cause data loss.
  • Ensure that you have the necessary permissions and legal rights to modify the contents of BIN files, especially if they are associated with proprietary software or copyrighted material.
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