PCB Copy&PCB Clone

PCB Clone

We provide Schematics, Gerber, BOM list, and Pick and Place professional manufacturing files of PCB clone and PCB copy in Shenzhen, China.

PCB Cloning Service

For PCB cloning, you may send us the below information for evaluation before we get started:

The samples will no longer be used once we’ve disassembled it.

What is the PCB Clone?

PCB copy or PCB clone board is based on the existing circuit board to use reverse R&D technology for the analysis of the circuit board, the original electronic product PCB files, bill of materials (BOM) files, schematic files, PCB screen printing production files for 1:1 reduction, and then according to these files, PCB board, component welding, flying pin test, circuit board debugging, complete the original electronic product circuit board prototype complete copy. They are also known as circuit board copy board, PCB cloning, circuit board cloning, PCB reverse design, etc.

pcb copy top
pcb copy, pcb clone
pcb copy layers

Benefits of PCB Clone

Cost Savings

In situations where the original PCB design is no longer in production or is expensive to source, PCB Clone can provide a cost-effective solution. By cloning the PCB, you can avoid the high costs associated with redesigning the entire product or sourcing expensive components.

Time Efficiency

PCB cloning can significantly reduce the time required to develop a new PCB. Instead of starting from scratch, the existing PCB serves as a reference, allowing for quicker design iterations and a faster time to market.

Replication of Obsolete PCBs

PCB clone allows for the replication of legacy or obsolete PCB designs that may no longer be available in the market. This is particularly useful when there is a need to replace or repair existing equipment that relies on outdated PCBs.

Design Optimization and Improvement

PCB clone provides an opportunity to analyze and improve upon an existing design. By understanding the functionality and performance of the original PCB, you can identify areas for optimization, such as reducing component count, improving signal integrity, or enhancing power efficiency.

Educational and Learning Purposes

PCB cloning serves as an educational tool, allowing students, engineers, and hobbyists to learn from existing PCB designs. By reverse engineering and analyzing a PCB, they can gain insights into circuit design, component selection, and manufacturing considerations.

How to Clone a PCB board step by step?

The process of PCB Clone involves several steps to replicate an existing PCB design. Here is a general overview of the PCB Clone process:

circuit boad electronic, pcb assembly

Step #1: Obtain the Original PCB

Acquire a sample of the original PCB or obtain detailed documentation, such as schematics, layout files, and component lists. 

pcb reverse engineering

Step #2: Physical Examination

Inspect the original PCB to gather information about its dimensions, layers, component types, and any markings or labels that can aid in component identification.

worker in factory

Step #3: Component Identification

Identify and document the components used on the original PCB, noting their types, values, packages, and any specific markings. This information is crucial for sourcing or selecting suitable replacements.

pcb reverse engineering, schematics

Step #4: Schematic Generation

Build a schematic diagram of the original PCB by tracing the connections between components. This can be done manually or with the help of schematic capture software. The generated schematic represents the electrical connections and relationships between components.

pcb reverse engineering, pcb copy, pcb clone

Step #5: Component Sourcing

Determine the availability of the original components. If any components are obsolete or difficult to source, identify suitable alternatives that match the specifications and functionality of the original components.

ic unlock, microchip measurment

Step #6:  PCB Layout Design

Create a new PCB layout based on the generated schematic. Consider factors such as component placement, routing, signal integrity, power distribution, and manufacturing constraints. PCB design software is typically used for this step.

production of printed circuit boards

Step #7: Manufacturing

Once the new PCB layout is complete, send it for manufacturing. Generate the necessary manufacturing files, such as Gerber files, drill files, and assembly files, and work with a PCB fabrication and assembly service provider to produce the cloned PCB.

circuit board manufacturing

Step #8: Prototype Assembly

Once the cloned PCBs are manufactured, assemble the components onto the PCBs, following the component placement and soldering guidelines. Perform quality checks during the assembly process to ensure proper functionality.

circuit board for technology electrical hardware

Step #9: Testing and Validation

Test the cloned PCBs to verify their functionality and performance. Use appropriate testing methods, such as functional testing, signal integrity analysis, and electrical measurements, to ensure that the cloned PCB functions as intended.

circuit board

Step #10: Fine-tuning and Optimization

If necessary, iterate on the design and make any necessary adjustments or optimizations based on the test results. This may involve modifying component values, adjusting routing, or improving signal integrity.

PCB Design & PCB Reverse Engineering Services

PCBDesign Lab helped 100 customers develop The Products


The main objective of PCB cloning is to replicate or reproduce an existing PCB design, either to replace obsolete PCBs or for customization purposes. On the other hand, PCB reverse engineering aims to understand and analyze the design, functionality, and operation of an existing PCB without access to its original design files or documentation.

Starting Point:

PCB clone typically starts with an existing PCB sample or detailed documentation of the original design, which serves as a reference for replication. In contrast, PCB Reverse Engineering starts with an existing PCB and involves studying, analyzing, and reverse engineering it to understand its circuit connections, component placement, and operational principles.

Replication vs. Analysis:

PCB clone focuses on replicating the original PCB design as closely as possible, including the layout, component placement, and circuit connections. The emphasis is on recreating the same functionality and performance. In contrast, PCB Reverse Engineering is centered around analyzing and understanding the original PCB, with the goal of extracting information about its design, functionality, and potential improvements.

What is the differences between PCB clone and PCB reverse engineering?

PCB clone is focused on replicating an existing PCB design, while PCB Reverse Engineering aims to understand and analyze a PCB’s design and functionality. PCB Clone is more concerned with replication and customization, while PCB Reverse Engineering emphasizes analysis and potential improvements.

PCB Clone&PCB Copy

Best practices for PCB Clone

Original PCB

Understand the Electrical Parameters of the Original Board

Identify layout

Determine Components and Layout

scanning technology

Scan the Top and Bottom Layers

Generate a new file

Create a New Design File of PCB Clone

Why Choose Us on PCB Clone?

Service Capability

  • The full ability of a 2–10 layer circuit board.
  • Component quantity greater than 100 pieces.
  • Sizes within 20 inches, 50 centimeters.
  • We have deeply experienced engineers who have the circuit layout technique by Altium Designer, Cadence, and Kicad.

Price Range

Our service price ranges from $500 to $5,000, with a detailed range as follows for your reference:

  • Under 100mm*100mm, 2-4 layers, price approximately $500-$3,000.
  • Above 100mm*100mm, 6–10 layers, price approximately $3,000-$5,000.

Files Layout

The sample cannot be used again after we disassemble it, and we will convert it into three files for your production.

  • Gerber Files.
  • Schematic.
  • BOM List.
  • Pick and Place

Payment Method

We accept direct wire transfers or PayPal.

  • Send us the sample board and a 50% deposit before the project starts.
  • Work out PDF files for your confirmation.
  • The balance must be paid before the original engineering files are sent.

Shipping Sample Board

Please use DHL or UPS to send us the sample board, and you will be responsible for the tax duty and export clearance charge.

  • Please declare the board value at not more than $30 on the shipping invoice.
  • Please notify us of the tracking number after it is shipped out.

Prototypes Delivery (If you requird)

We will use DHL or UPS to send you the prototypes, and you will be responsible for the tax duty or import clearance charges.

  • We will declare the prototype value based on the proforma invoice.
  • We will notify you of the tracking numbers when they are shipped.
  • Customers will be fully charged for the relevant costs of customs duty and customs clearance.

what makes us different

projects we've provided

PCB Design

Sun Position Sensor Development Board

This sun sensor board is used to determine the satellite's position relative to the sun on the NanoAvionics satellite.

PCB Design

Small development platform with STM32 MPU

Using several analog inputs with corresponding protected analog frontends, design an assembled SPI Flash device to store measurement data.

PCB Clone

Radio Communication Receiver

Our client sent us the sample board to layout the Gerber, BOM, and schematic diagram. There were only a few SMT components to fabricate.

PCB Reverse

Reverse Engineering Project

Our American customer sent us the sample board to convert into Gerber, BOM list, and schematic diagram as well as small volume production.

FAQ: All About PCB Clone

PCB Clone&PCB Copy

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